Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The end is in sight

We're almost done with this cycle's TWW.  It's been relatively painless - physically and emotionally - compared to the last one.  The hardest part comes tomorrow.  We're not going to order a rushed result.  I'll go for the test tomorrow morning - but then watch the seconds tick by until Thursday afternoon.  Hopefully we'll get the phone call by then or my head and heart might explode : )  

No positives on any of the million and and a half HPTs we've done.  But I'm not freaking out yet, because last cycle we didn't have a positive until the evening after I took the blood test.

Fingers are crossed.  Hopes are high.   Please, please let this be the one!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Go spermies, go!

My uterus is locked and loaded : )  Well, mostly loaded.   Did you know it was possible for your uterus and/or cervix to hiccup and push the "sample" back out?  Yeah...me neither.  WTF?  Now listen here little uterus, we paid good money for that stuff.   No more rejecting.  None.   That's not allowed.   More importantly, I can not stand those ewwy instea.d cups.  Seriously.  How in the world do people use those?  Especially for their intended purpose.  Nope.  Not for me.   Probably not for any of my short stubby fingered brethren either.   

The doc sucked up all of the lovely "reject" and placed it in the inste.ad cup.  She wasn't sure if it was the sample  or other bodily fluids, but she wanted to save it just in case.   

*Over share warning*  This cycle we did a 10,000unit trigger shot.  Profas.i has mad my cervical mucus go crazy.   Not a little crazy.  Super crazy.  Like as in the doc- the one that stares at hoohaas all day long- commented on it at yesterday's insemination.  Maybe I should actually read the labels on all these drugs that I'm taking.  (Not that I don't read the labels, but obviously I haven't been retainiing the information.)

Fingers and toes are crossed.  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Game on!

  Our visit to the doc went well today.   Not quite as well as we were hoping, but we did have one good sized follicle.  It seems that our biggest follicle has a tendency to beat up on the smaller follicles.  We did the trigger shot this morning and got the lovely smiley face on the OPK this evening.

Insem 1 will be tomorrow morning.  Not sure if it will be a double insem, or if we'll go with the regular plan and do another IUI Thursday morning.  Guess we'll find out in the morning.

In other news - that's not related what so ever - twice in the past 2 weeks I've got to hang out with a 15ish month old kiddo and an infant at the exact same time.   The first family I visited accidently got pregnant TWICE within 13 months.  They're great parents, but really.  Twice?  They did make some absolutely adorable Irish twins.  They're looking into the permanent birth control options because apparently they're
very fertile.  I hope I caught some of their fertility cooties while I was visiting : )

The second duo I visited was my niece and a very cute baby that her mom happened to be babysitting.  Going out to lunch was an interesting experience.  One that I hope to repeat often when we have a kidlet of our very own.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Double ouch!

Shots that hurt should come with warnings.  On second thought, maybe not.  This cycle we're trying to up the follicle count with a single dose of Meno.pur.  Silly me not realizing that a single dose could mean two shots.  Two very painful shots.  Holy cow!  Perhaps not knowing how much it would hurt made the first one a bit easier.
I definitely have a new found respect for all those ladies going through IVF.  Having to self inject that stuff for days on end would be miserable.

The doc did see 3 budding follicles though.  Here's to hoping that the Fe.mera + a shot of Men.opur = BFP.