Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Never thought I'd do That at work.

That = peeing on a stick

I work in a factory.  A factory full of men.  Mostly redneck men.

Here's how most of them would like to see the factory run:

Rule #1:  No women
Rule #2: No gays

I was assigned a mentor when I was hired.. He felt the need to be very upfront with me.  He said he "didn't like working with women, and didn't like working with fat people."  A few days later he came back and asked me if I was gay.  After telling him that I was, he said "you'd be better off keeping that to yourself, if you want to keep working here."   Yeah.   That was 5+ years ago.

After he got to know me (and decided I was worth keeping,) he explain his comments.  Fat people and women usually ask for help a lot more- making him have to do more work.  The comment on gays was strictly looking out for me - lots of people there would have taken an issue with me if I had been "super gay".

While this conversation still seems surreal to me (who really says that stuff to someone?) - it did have a tremendous impact on how I function at work.  I worked hard to learn all of my systems and equipment and be excelleent at my job

This is not the place to discuss anything that has to do with being a woman.  Hormones are strictly forbidden at work.  Or something.    The two people that I work with the most know about our desire to have children. One of those people is the other woman on my shift.  (Note: not one of the other women, but the other woman -- that's right, there are only 2 of us.)  She's not someone I would have befriended in regular life, but we've become pretty good work friends.

And you most definitely don't talk about being gay.  Even though most of the guys at work have been married multiple times, cheated on their wives, etc -- being gay is wrong because the bible says so.  And thy're all good Christians, no matter what they do to contradict that.

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